Supporting Our Local Community

Codington County Cares

Codington County Cares is a nonprofit organization that helps with financial and emotional support to those who have been diagnosed with cancer within Codington county. Codington County Cares does multiple fundraisers throughout the year including the annual second chance prom, and the light the night 5K. The board members are wonderful and put a large amount of time and effort into making sure that these activities are enjoyable and everyone knows the reason we are there is to help others!


Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

Get involved with our great local JDRF! Full Throttle Graphics out of Clark is our local affiliate. The is an annual banquet to help raise money for this great foundation, along with the One Walk annual walk to raise money for a cure. You can find out more information on facebook at JDRF SD, or the official JDRF website.

GSI Thrift/ Great Plains Lutheran

Great Plains Lutheran High School provides a Christ-centered education to assist families in nurturing students as lifelong disciples of Christ.  We welcome the opportunity to visit with anyone who is interested in this unique educational experience!

Our Christian foundation and location enable us to provide an educational experience in a safe and uplifting setting.  Our rigorous academic program enables us to prepare students for life in an amazing world and entrance into many colleges and universities.  Our school size and offerings enable us to involve many students in a wide range of activities which develop their gifts for a lifetime of service.

If you would like to know more about what it will be like to be a student at GPLHS, go to or call 605-886-0672.

GSI Thrift of Watertown is a great benefit for Great Plains Lutheran High School!


The Salvation Army Watertown has a wonderful salvation army! The salvation army is there to help out those in need. They work with donations to help those in our community that are hurting or in need a basic essentials. You can donate time, clothing, household items, non perishable food items, or money. All of which are appreciated! Visit the Salvation Army Website for more information on how to make a difference!

The Watertown Jaycee’s is another great non profit organization that helps local disadvantaged families in their time of need. The Jaycee’s does the annual Easter egg hunt and the Christmas shopping tour. For more information you can contact Josh Weyh at 605-868-1220.

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Watertown, SD 57201
Phone  (605) 753-0138
FAX:  (605) 753-0137

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